December Daily is off and running and I’m using the mini book I made recently to record twenty five stories of our Christmas season. Additional journaling cards are from In a Creative Bubble.

Every story needs a beginning and that is why I begin every December Daily with a title page and a manifesto. I may add a few embellies to the manifesto.

Day 1 | The story of the day was the posting of the Christmas cards going overseas. I posted early because of the upcoming postal strikes.

Day 2 | The stories of the day involved cranberries and a school disco. I made an interactive element using a card blank and a trimmed down journaling card. Tucked away in the back pocket is a leaflet about posting dates and tickets from the school’s raffle.

Day 3 | The story of the day was our annual drinks party. I included our invitation, two photos and a journaling card, which went behind the window. I added a clip with a flourish, so it would be obvious that there was something else behind the visible photo.

Day 4 | The story of the day was brunch at one of our favourite pubs with The Best Friend and her children. I included a large photo of the pub’s wood burning stove and festive mantel.

Day 5 | The story of the day was yet more gift wrapping. I haven’t decided if I will add any further embellishments.

December Daily | my favourite project of the year.

8 responses to “December Daily | Manifesto & Days 1-5”

  1. I love your December Daily pages! I see we have the same choice of wrapping paper 😉
    That pub fireplace looks like it made it a very festive and welcoming choice to go out for brunch. It’s starting to get festive!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you … very happy with how DD is shaping up.,


  2. I like this new style of December Daily & your title page with manifesto is bang on perfect! I like your intention of being present during the season, I’m trying to pause to let the moments wrap me in the present. I also like the pub’s wood stove; warm & festive. And how fun that you & your guests all donned their festive head wear!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think this might be a defining Christmas re The Boy and how much he is prepared to do with his mum, so I am soaking it all up while I can!


  3. I always enjoy looking at your pages, and how you make sure to include current details and ‘realia’ like invitations and leaflets on posting dates (though they may prove to be a fiction in themselves). Your manifesto is wonderful – how great to be wanting to make magic. Hoping you succeed awesomely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you …. I am all for making the magic happen!


  4. Your scrapbooking inspires me to want to try something new. To add bits of this and that. To think of texture and movement and making pages interactive with bits of memorabilia tucked away. Worked on a totally uninspired set of pages over the weekend. Now I have some ideas on how to give them some pop!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to be of service! I think I am going to need bigger book rings for December Daily!


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