~ Waiting patiently ~
There was a queue in the bank this morning and DS caught me by surprise, because he played patiently and quietly while I waited.

4 responses to “267/365”

  1. Good Morning Ruth Sweetie…
    Now isn't that just the sweetest thing ever? He played with a toy and waited on Mom patiently. He is growing up Ruth. Yes, he is.

    I see he has a jacket on so it must be cool there. We are still having triple digit days here. 104 yesterday, another hot one expected today.

    Many hugs and thanks for the beautiful share this morning.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry


  2. Hooray for him, good lad 🙂 I'm glad the bank had the toy there though, all the banks I've ever visited don't have any such entertainment! I'm always pleased to see any service or outlet that realises children might need help to be patient 🙂


  3. Very nice! We have one of those toys in the chiro office where I work and little kids love it. That, and the bookshelf full of vitamin bottles!

    Glad you got a glimpse of DS's independence kicking in! ;o)


  4. What a good boy :o), my children used to love those toys and they'd be kept amused for ages.
    He really is starting to grow up now.
    Have a great weekend xx


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