The UK General Election, on 4th July, is less than three weeks away; the final date to register to vote is 18 June 2024click here for more information.

Use your vote and make your voice heard.

Apathy is not a choice.

Remember that nothing changes if nothing changes.

6 responses to “Wit or Wisdom 2024 | A Reminder”

  1. Very appropriate! I also think that if you don’t vote, you cannot complain about whoever gets in after the results 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree – apathy around a general election is a depressing thing. Our female ancestors fought long and hard for the vote, we owe it to them to make our voices heard.


  2. caroleandneil2004 Avatar

    I always vote. Women suffered terribly to win us the vote. I really don’t think anyone can criticise the government if they can’t be bothered to vote. Our election cards arrived yesterday, strangely I was excited to receive it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, same (on all your points)!


  3. Mary-Lou Burma Avatar
    Mary-Lou Burma

    Good advice, timely advice. You know I will be following your election campaigns & results. I already have a favourite. Our provincial leader is going to call a snap election (boo) because right now he is riding high in the polls & rather than wait until next year when due, he’ll chance now so he can gain 4 years now … voting is a hard won privilege for women & I am reminded that those that didn’t vote in 1932 Germany had to wait until 1946 to have that privilege again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve noticed Justin Trudeau both in Normandy and at the G7 – someone else with low poll numbers. We’re certainly living in interesting times!


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