The recent Kitty Boo CraftAway I attended with The Best Friend was a free-flow, work-at-your-own-speed kind of Crop (the best kind) and delegates had plenty of options to choose from.

Here’s a look at some more of what I made:

The above spread is now in The Boy’s album – these sentiments from Pink Fresh were perfect. 🙂

The above spread is simple, but absolutely perfect for photos of New York City’s Carnegie Hill in Spring.

Photos of New York City’s West Village also found a home on another simple but effective page.

4 responses to “Kitty Boo CraftAway Spring 2024 | What I Made | Part Two”

  1. Mary-Lou Burma Avatar
    Mary-Lou Burma

    Another grouping of some inspiring layouts. I like the Village Wandering layout’s use of the squares, circles & stars to form the grid.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks – the embellishments on each square were supposed to be different, but I went with a uniform look of a star and a circle. 🤗 The rub-on of skyscrapers was all me, because I thought it’d be perfect.


  2. Wow you made so many fab layouts – I particularly love the first one!! Crops look like so much fun, I’d love to go to one, but I’ve always been a bit scared of being a ‘billy-no-mates’ haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crops are a lot of fun and I’ve always found that everyone is friendly, helpful and willing to share tools – I hope you give one a try. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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