The recent Kitty Boo CraftAway I attended with The Best Friend was a free-flow, work-at-your-own-speed kind of Crop (the best kind) and delegates had plenty of options to choose from.

Here’s a look at some of what I made:

The above spread now has a home in my New York City album – stitching those strips of crepe paper onto the cardstock took ages!

The above spread features Casa Loma and in now in our Canada album. Are you beginning to pick up on the theme of stitching? 🙂

The final spread for now, is another NYC one – the cable car to Roosevelt Island. More stitching and two shaker pockets.

4 responses to “Kitty Boo CraftAway Spring 2024 | What I Made | Part One”

  1. Mary-Lou Burma Avatar
    Mary-Lou Burma

    You were busy at the get-away. Like the stitching on the last grid layout. Was this by hand or by machine? Either way, looks like a lot of work. I think the sub theme of all these layouts is “high up” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All hand stitching – and there was a lot of it! 😀


  2. caroleandneil2004 Avatar

    i love stitching on layouts. These three pages are great.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – it was definitely a weekend with a lot of stitching! 😂


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