This year’s Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt begins on Saturday, 1st June and runs until Monday, 30th September. All photos need to have been taken during this timeframe.

I have taken over the compilation/moderation of the Hunt from Mary-Lou of Patio Postcards fame and thank her for all the years of photography fun she curated.

The Best Friend and I thrashed out this year’s list during a prolonged WhatsApp conversation and here’s what we came up with:

  1. Family pet or cute animal
  2. Look up to the sky
  3. A colourful front door
  4. What’s on your feet
  5. Favourite Summer food/meal
  6. Something with wings
  7. Favourite Summer reading nook/space
  8. Something colourful in your garden/neighbourhood
  9. Moving water
  10. Something that casts a shadow
  11. A kitchen utensil you hardly ever use
  12. A place of worship
  13. Mark the passage of time
  14. Your nation’s flag
  15. Something you’ve repurposed

Alternate A: Something misspelt or grammatically incorrect

Alternate B: Stamping

Dates to share your finds are:

Monday, 29 July; Wednesday, 28 August and Wednesday, 2 October.

If you think you’ll be participating this year, please leave a comment so I can give you a shout-out on the three sharing dates. 🙂

11 responses to “Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt 2024 | The Definitive List”

  1. caroleandneil2004 Avatar

    that is a great list Ruth.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. caroleandneil2004 Avatar

    that is a great list Ruth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks – I hope you’ll join in?


  3. Mary-Lou Burma Avatar
    Mary-Lou Burma

    A great list. So glad you & The Best Friend are having some fun with the SPSH. I’ll be sure to pass the link on. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – and I hope you’ll play along.


  4. Oh I am so pleased you have picked up the baton and continued the photo hunt 😊 You’ve picked some interesting categories!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – I look forward to seeing what you come up with! 🤗


  5. Karen Cousins Avatar
    Karen Cousins

    I’m looking forward to joining in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi and welcome! Happy to have you play along! 🤗


  6. Very delinquent in joining in the photo fun but I am going to try to play along. Would appreciate any and all reminders. Going to put the share dates on my calendar but that doesn’t always work. Great prompts. Glad to see the summer scavenger hunt continue in your great stead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do hope you’ll be able to join in the fun! 🤗


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