IMG_E5876.JPGI’ve never purchased anything from Anthropolgie, but whenever I pass one of their stores, I always pop in and sneakily snap a few images.  The window dressers (a job I’ve always fancied having a go at) and whoever designs the internal layout have a good eye for detail.IMG_E5873I didn’t see anyone actually making a purchase during my latest visit (it was mid-morning on a Tuesday), but I did see women of a certain age (like me) stroking the merchandise.IMG_E5872It seems to me that Anthropologie, a bit like The Store of Utter Geogeousness, is really only in operation as a haven of peace and as a place to feast your eyes on beautiful colours and fabrics before re-joining what can be a noisy and drab world.

Are you a fan of Anthropolgie?

2 responses to “Anthropolgie |A Visual Delight”

  1. We don’t have an Anthropologie near where I live but if we did, I know I’d be constantly popping in and out for inspiration on how I’d like my lounge to look! And then reality of a sofa-surfing dog and over enthusiastic grandson would kick in, I’d sigh and be on my way! Lovely place to spend a while though.


  2. I think you could definitely be a window dresser, based on several of your still life photos, you have the eye. I have never heard of Anthropologie but now I need to go search for one locally.


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