The first Sunday of the month means that it’s time for a story or two over at Sian’s place. This is her third year of hosting Storytelling Sunday and the general theme this year is Pick Your Precious.
My precious this month?
The young boy who is such a Good Friend to The Boy Child.

He doesn’t notice The Boy Child’s quirks.
He doesn’t allow anyone to say unkind things about The Boy Child.
He takes care of The Boy Child.
He has no idea about the joy he brings to my heart.

Why not pop over to Sian’s and see what other sort of precious items are being shared today?  

18 responses to “Storytelling Sunday”

  1. What a very precious thing indeed – a great friend is definitely a treasure!


  2. Such a friend is a very precious and good thing – glad that TBC has such a friend!


  3. How lovely! And what a lot of joy this young man brings to you all … And us warming our hearts too, with that kindness and big smile :).


  4. A lovely post with such beautiful pictures x


  5. How lovely this is. I bet they'll be friends for life too..they look like they make a great pair!


  6. The Boy Child is very lucky to have a friend like that. It made me so sad that my own special boy had none at that age and was always alone.


  7. Yes, very precious indeed!


  8. Lovely post – very precious x


  9. Young friendships are just so lovely … that's a great top shot Ruth!


  10. A true friend is one of life's most precious things. So pleased your boy has found such a lovely friend.


  11. We hosted a party for R's friends at Half Term and I also felt so grateful for them


  12. Truly beautiful post and such sweet photos. Hope they stay friends forever.


  13. Certainly very precious x


  14. TBC is indeed lucky to have such a special young man looking out for him! Wonderful story – thanks for sharing.


  15. This post brings joy to my heart. A true and kind friend are indeed the most precious thing you can have.


  16. xoxoxoxo

    You are so sweet to share this with us. I love both of those little ones though we have never met. Precious boys!


  17. What a lovely post Ruth. x


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