How did November turn out? Let’s see what the numbers made of it:

23 Christmas presents wrapped

7 Christmas cards written and ready to post

9 pieces of Happy Mail sent

25,775 steps walked by me on my busiest day of the month*

15 online Step classes with Jenny Ford via YouTube

6 separate donations to charity shops and the recycling centre

5 sessions of baking cookies as gifts

7 occasions of meeting friends and family

1 winter storm

1 Covid-19 booster – Pfizer

48 walks with Tilly

10 traditional scrapbook pages made

Month in Numbers was the brainchild of Julie. You can see my previous Month in Numbers here. All journaling cards are from In a Creative Bubble.

*how I achieved that step count: Step class, walk to the supermarket, Christmas shopping in the West End and a walk with Tilly.

4 responses to “Month in Numbers | November 2021”

  1. Yes a lot of steps walked, but I’m amazed by 23 Christmas gifts wrapped! Interesting about the Christmas cookies baked as gifts. One of the Canadian talk shows was talking about re-thinking how we gift this holiday season. Not to give just stuff without asking the recipients what they WANT or NEED & also to consider baking as a way of giving to family & friends, then a 30 minute segment on simple decorating techniques & which cookies are best to make. Since that airing, reports indicate a lot more baking has been done & fewer online ordering deliveries made. You, my friend, are so on trend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Last month’s cookies went to friends and/or school, but I’m definitely making them later this month to give as Christmas gifts.


  2. You are way ahead of me on the wrapping and card writing front, maybe I should make that my project for the weekend!
    Great news on booster and meeting up with friends and family, I so hope that we can continue to do so safely in the next month. Fingers crossed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wrap as I buy the presents, I find it easier that way.
      I tried to get The Boy in for his 2nd dose, but apparently the NHS booking service hasn’t quite caught up with the Government’s directive …


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