Sharing a Cuppa

C’mon in and have a seat.

As it is freezing with the front door open, I’d quickly usher you through to the kitchen and offer you a seat at the pine table.  Having put the kettle on and found a plate for a few custard creams, I’d apologise for being full of cold.  You’ve found me with a nasty cough, a sore throat and a painful ear.
While we wait for the tea to brew, I’d tell you how the sale of the house is progressing. About how its become almost routine to mop the floors once a day.  About how I’ve become a demon cushion plumper.
I’d bring the tea and biscuits to the table and you’d notice that the dog has stirred in his basket and is sniffing the air.  He’d allow you to fuss his ears and comment on how lovely he is, but he’d soon loose interest when he realised that you were obeying the doggy-house-rule of no snacking between meals.  He’d emit a big sigh and settle back in to slumber.

You’d also soon realise that The Boy Child is peeking at you from his play room just off the kitchen.  He will announce that he is shy, but will soon overcome it when he sees that he has a cup of tea and custard cream waiting on the table for him.
I’d tell you that The Boy Child has broken up for the Easter holidays and that he is looking forward to the arrival of his cousins at the weekend.  I’d tell you of our plans to make like tourists for a week and The Boy Child would chip in with the information that he is excited by the thought of going to Legoland.
I might comment on what it is like to live with Autism.  That the worst parts are by far the middle-of-the-night wanderings and the constant early starts.  I might also mention that The Brainy One and I are exhausted and that, without make-up, I look grey.
Or I might not mention Autism at all.
I would, however, suggest a top-up.  Then I’d tell you how both blogging and scrapbooking help me regain my equilibrium.  That the recent lunch in honour of Deb and Carrie was amazing and that I count my blessings to have found true friendship with them and Mel and Sian and Amy-on-the-other-side-of-the-world, to name just a few.
Given that the radio is playing quietly, I might talk about my latest favourite song.  We’d laugh at how middle-of-the-road my musical tastes have become.  As memory keepers, we’d talk about the powerful way in which a song can transport you back in an instant to a definitive period of life from years ago.  And we’d laugh at the songs we call the ghosts-of-boyfriends-past.
As you prepared to leave, I’d regret that our time was over and urge you to drop by again very soon.  The Boy Child would thank you for coming (he’s nothing if polite).  We’d hug and remark on the wonders of finding friendship through blogging.

This post has been brought to you in association with Abi‘s invitation to share a cup of tea.

10 thoughts on “Sharing a Cuppa

  1. Pleased to hear that the chicken pox has gone and you are all able to look forward to having some fun in the Easter holidays. Thanks for having us round for a cuppa!


  2. Thank you so much for joining in. It would be lovely to sit drinking tea with you and the boy child. I'm sorry you aren't feeling too great but what a lot of exciting things you have planned!


  3. Even though we would have flown for nearly 24 hours, your pup would smell our pup and no doubt tails would be a-wagging.
    The children would tell you all about the travelling adventures and they would want to see TBC's trains and then they'd try and get outside.

    I would flop into a seat and wonder what on earth had just happened to me. I would commiserate about your cold, accept something warm as no doubt it's cold and I would admire your recently plumped cushions. Then I think we'd have something bubbly … just because we could and it's not every day you drag your family across to the other side of the world for a cup of tea and a chat!

    Happy Easter Ruth – enjoy your week of exploring!


  4. Sounds wonderful to me 🙂 I'd love that the boy child would join us for tea and to get to hear what he's looking forward to. I'd commiserate about your cold and hope it gets better soon – you have lots coming up and want to be in top form. Most of all, I'd look forward to returning for another cup and a chat again soon 🙂
    Have a wonderful Easter


  5. Hope the cold is gone, the chicken pox is all better and Legoland is great fun. Was one of the ways we convinced Ewok that this move to London was a good idea, 'You will be closer to Legoland' 🙂

    Have to confess I am not a floor mopper but I do like nicely plumped cushions so I'd happily admire them.


  6. Hi there! I found your blog via Abi's 'Cup of Tea' post, and have loved reading. Sorry you've not been feeling the best – I'm caught up with a horrible cold at the moment too! Feel better soon! 😀


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