Just One Sketch: Parts Four & Five

In part four of Just One Sketch, Kirsty wanted us to “look at going monochrome.  Monochrome means that the design is in one colour, or shades of one colour.  Now, given all the the beautiful colours that are available to us in scrapbooking stash, you might wonder why we’d want to both working in just one.  But the effect can be beautiful and, as with anything new, if you give it go, you might find you like it.” 
I’ll be honest.  Monochrome layouts fill me with dread.  Don’t get me wrong, I like the look of them, I just don’t feel that I somehow capture monochrome in the best way possible.  Is there even such a thing?

This layout shows my nephew’s fiancee just after she became a British citizen last week.  Their wedding is in late September and we are hopeful that we will be able to go.  The venue is about 7,000 miles away. 
Part five was about inverting the colour of the layout and I enjoyed this immensely, possibly because I had such a cool photo waiting to be scrapped.

I would never normally scrap with such large blocks of orange and green, mainly because I tend to think that they are not-me-colours.  Just because they are not colours I would wear doesn’t mean that I should discount them when scrapping.

3 thoughts on “Just One Sketch: Parts Four & Five

  1. How spooky, I've used orange for the background of my last layout too. Did it this afternoon but haven't had chance to photograph it yet! Wouldn't normally use orange at all, as you so rightly say, just because we wouldn't wear it shouldn't prejudice us in choosing it for layouts!


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