Learn Something New Every Day | September 2020 | Days 11-15

September means that the Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness is approaching. It also means that Shimelle is running her annual class, Learn Something New Every Day.
As with the previous few years, I’m recording what I’ve learned throughout September here.

Day 11: Walking the 4 miles to school and back is not a bad way to begin the day.

Day 12: Sitting in the sunshine with loved ones while watching a Spitfire take to the skies makes for a great day.

Day 13: Cooking Chicken Normandy always takes far longer than I remember.

Day 14: The official end of the school day appears to be rather flexible right now.

Day 15: London Transport is operating a ‘schoolchildren-only’ policy on its bus routes at the start and end of the school day. This is a good thing.

8 thoughts on “Learn Something New Every Day | September 2020 | Days 11-15

  1. That really is a good idea for the buses now schools have returned. It seems that staggered arrival and departure times for schools is the norm around here too, which should, in theory, affect traffic build ups too but in reality seems to have made no difference at all!
    Does Tilly accompany you on that school walk? I bet she wouldn’t say ‘no’ to a four mile walk to start the day!

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    1. At the moment, we walk to school (with an excitable Miss Tilly – she loves going to school) in the morning and TBC catches the bus home. Should London go into a localised lockdown, walking will be the preferred option over the bus. Those walks certainly make for a large daily step count. 🙂


  2. That’s a good thing that the buses have arranged “schoolchildren policy” it helps get kids back to school & takes some of the concern from parents. Having TBC take the bus home, for now, gives him some independence Locally the school buses run only for the rural kids although most parents have chosen to drive them to avoid the over crowding on the buses.

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