The Boy Child’s Summer Scrapbook

The Boy Child is recording his Summer in Project Life format and this is the third summer he has done so.  This is the only project I insist he does, because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t voluntarily pick up a pen or pencil for six long weeks.thumbnail[1] (47)He moans like a moaning thing on occasion, but accepts that he does like to look back at his previous summers to see what’s changed.


The added attraction for yours truly is that I get to do the scrapbooky side of things for him, which makes up for the absence of scrapbooking time solely for me over the holidays.

That’s what I call a win.


9 thoughts on “The Boy Child’s Summer Scrapbook

  1. In the photo TBC looks very pleased with his efforts – yes I am sure he enjoys the time with you & probably the time reflecting in journalling helps him remember all the good parts of his adventures & makes the prospect of the next one easier.


  2. I think that these little projects are the most important, your own words captured. It is often these that the kids show their friends, and their friends oooh and ahhh over commenting on the handwriting, things they felt were important etc.

    I wish we’d continued on with it but stopped early to mid teens as they got busy with other things.


  3. It’s also nice for you to have a project that you can work on together! He looks as if he’s enjoying putting it all together in the photo.


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