Right Now …

~ I’m surrounded by laundry; a combination of holiday clothes and bedding from our 2 house guests
~ I’m looking at a medium-sized mountain of ironing
~ I’m hoping that The Boy Child remembers his facts about Stephenson’s Rocket for Show and Tell
~ I’m planning on typing up the minutes from the PTA meeting; as well as being renominated as a class rep, I also found myself nominated for the role of Secretary at the first PTA meeting of the new school year on Tuesday evening
~ I’m working on sorting through all those holiday photos; and looking forward to seeing what the professionals came up with

{bride and her brother}

~ I’m upset to learn that a sick friend is actually much sicker than we all realised
~ I’m waiting to hear about The Boy Child’s Statement of Educational Needs; he was granted the extra help we requested, but we have yet to learn any of the details
~ I am so tired, thanks to Jet Lag
~ I need to get back to the gym; I’m feeling very sluggish
~ I need to catch up on Project Life and One Little Word
~ I’m stuck for ideas as to what to buy The Brainy One for his birthday; it’s on Sunday
~ I’m wondering how can it be October next week

This post was inspired by Ali’s Creative Lifts email for weeks 35-36:
I’ve always loved those “currently” or “right now” or “around here” posts that pop up on people’s blogs and scrapbook pages. Here’s a recent one from me and one from Amanda Soule. It’s a great way to tell the story of your own personal right now. What are you thinking about, feeling, hoping for, struggling with, watching, listening to, celebrating right now? 
The how-to is super simple. Start each thought/sentence of your list with an “ing” word. Here’s a few suggestions: thinking, dreaming, listening/hearing, watching, loving, feeling, counting, smelling, wanting, believing, making, planning, cultivating, living, etc. So many possibilities.
You’re invited to join me on Thursday, September 27th and share a “currently” or “right now” or “around here” post or scrapbook page on your blog.”

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